Planting the right trees in the right places can create an inviting outdoor living space, form a landscape, or simply add valuable shade or structure to your yard. But choosing a tree or two for your yard usually requires more consideration than deciding on a few flowering plants to fill your patio container. With thousands of varieties to choose from, finding that right tree feels like a daunting task. Additionally, adding a tree to your landscape can be a significant investment of money and time. Focus your search and use these simple strategies to find the best tree for your yard.
1. Determine the space for growth
When choosing a tree, the size of the planting area is crucial. First of all, what is the width of the space in which you want to plant trees? Is the planting site close to buildings, fences, or other large plants? If so, measure how much space there is for the tree without restricting its growth.
Next, take a look at the high potential of the location. If the wires are overhead, you need to make sure that the adult tree doesn’t touch the wires. Do the branches of an adult tree fall on top of your home? Trees that grow above houses rarely cause problems, but potential problems can be avoided by choosing trees with narrow growth habits rather than a stretched crown. Finally, think about where the tree will cast its shadow. Shade is generally welcome, except in areas near planting sites (such as vegetable gardens) where full sunlight is required.
Based on their size, trees can be divided into two main categories. Ornamental trees are generally small, less than 30 feet tall and 10 to 20 feet wide when mature. Shade trees are large trees that typically grow to 30 to 60 feet or taller and wider. Thanks to plant breeding, there are many exceptions to the above categories.
2. Develop a job description
Reading a tree description is a bit like reading a resume. The first task in finding the best candidates is to determine what you want them to do. The same is true for a tree in the yard. How do you want a new tree to contribute to your landscape?
Are you looking for shade for your patio or outdoor playground? Do you want to block out the view or the wind? Does your landscape need more color in the spring or fall? Do you want to plant a tree that can support wildlife like pollinators and birds? Make a list of the role you want your new tree to play in your landscape.
3. Match the tree’s growing conditions
First, make a note of your hardy zone, which will help you narrow down your options and choose those trees that will survive the winter in your area. Then, evaluate the growing conditions of the planting site, especially the amount of light, soil type, and natural moisture content. For example, some trees thrive in loose, sandy soils, while others can tolerate heavier clay soils. Many trees need all-day sunlight to grow at their best, while some thrive in the dappled shade.
You will either need to carefully select the trees that are suitable for the existing conditions or do your best to make the site more suitable for the trees you want to plant. For example, you can improve the soil with compost to improve drainage, and if your trees need more water than your area gets through precipitation, you can plan to install a drip irrigation system.
4. Consider outdoor living
The most valuable trees are often an integral element of outdoor living spaces. An oak tree hangs over the terrace, enclosing the space with a leaf-covered ceiling. Three arborvitae trees along the property line form a living privacy barrier. Keep in mind that trees can stain your open-air room inside and out, so you’ll want to avoid any species that are known for dropping a lot of branches, leaves, fruits, or seeds. Also pay attention to sidewalks and pathways to ensure you don’t end up in a situation where you always need to prune wayward branches. Choose trees that will work well with you.
5. Remember the winter
Deciduous trees, i.e., those that lose their leaves in the fall, take on a completely new look in the winter. What will your tree bring to the winter landscape? If you want to stay private all year round, evergreens are a better choice than deciduous trees. If cool shade in summer is more important, then choose deciduous trees.